Version 4.4.1


  • Added Zen UV Quick Favorites Panel.
  • Added Quadrify Selection mode to Quadrify operator.
  • Added new Select operators.
  • Added operators Split and Merge.


Advanced UV Maps

  • Fixed a bug with incorrect behavior of the Add New UV Map operator for Select UV Sync - off when projections were not created.


  • Added options for the Mark Sharp by UV Borders operator to ignore Splits (Cylinder Edges).
  • Optimized the output of warning notifications for Zen Unwrap operator.
  • Fixed a bug where Zen Unwrap operator settings in the panel did not have an effect on the operator.


  • Added Select Open Edges operator to select edges that are clearly open or visually open (adjacent to hidden polygons).
  • Added Select Quaded Islands operator for selecting islands consisting only of quads.
  • Added Select Seam operator for selecting edges of Seam type.
  • Added Select Sharp operator for selecting edges of Sharp type.
  • Added operator Select Splits to select edges of type Splits, which belong to the same island, but are separated in UV Editor (Cylinder Edges).
  • Added Select Linked Loops operator to select UV edges belonging to one edge in UV Sync Selection - off mode.
  • Added operators Face/Edge to Loops to convert face, edge selections into UV loops selections.
  • Added Select Edges by Condition operator to select edges based on several conditions. For example, select edges that are Sharp but are not UV Boundary.
  • Added the ability to select borders of a specific island and borders of selected faces to the Select Borders operator.


  • Added Split operator to split islands into selected edges.
  • Added Merge operator for welding UV vertices belonging to the same mesh vertex.
  • Added the ability to display process using Blender Annotation for Quadrify, Match and Stitch and Fit into Region operators.
  • Added Select Quaded Islands, Select Linked Loops, Select UV Borders operators for ease of use together with Transform operators.
  • Fixed a bug in Transform - Move operator leading to an eternal loop if all UVs are selected and the system is in Selection mode.
  • Fixed a bug in Orient by Selected operator for multi-object selection.
  • Fixed a bug in Relax operator if the active texture was not found on disk.


  • Added notification about successful Trimsheet import.
  • Fixed a bug when using Hotspot - Detect Radial.

Texel Density

  • Added an operator to UV World Size system to determine the texture size based on the selected element on the texture using Trims. For example, for a texture with bricks, we can determine the size of the entire texture if we know the size of the brick.
  • Added UV World Size Presets.
  • Added an operator to get the size of the active texture.
  • Improved and optimized Set TD operator interface for Global Mode.
  • Fixed a bug in Get UV World Size operator for the case when the size is zero.

UV Checker

  • Fixed a bug with the Select Empty Objects operator, which did not work in Object Mode.
  • Fixed a bug when a checker was not applied to objects in Edit mode, but not selected in the scene. It was also fixed when for such cases the checker enable button was not active.


  • Added an operator to get the size of the active texture.


  • Added the ability to place buttons on one line for the addon main panel selector.
  • Added Python Operator Wrapper. An operator that can be executed by another operator.
  • Added an operator that can execute code written in Python.
  • Optimized and simplified search for folder path with user scripts.
  • Fixed and optimized operators using rotation transformations for non-square textures.
  • Fixed a bug with the orientation of the main panel buttons not being saved in the addon properties.
  • Optimized Sticky UV Editor - Save and Restore settings.
  • Fixed a bug in Sticky UV Editor leading to a crash for Shading Layout.
  • Fixed a bug with restoring not-default Adjust Last Operation value by clicking Sticky that caused Blender crash.
  • Fixed a bug in detecting cyclic islands leading to incorrect transformation.
  • Fixed a bug with obtaining values for Zen UV Tool in the Image Editor mode.
  • Fixed tab selector for BlenderStyle in Vertical mode.
  • Fixed a bug when Pie Menu was not called in the UV Editor if the object did not have any UV maps.
  • Fixed abnormal behavior when transforming in a separate UV Editor window.
  • Fixed a conflict with addons for managing UI and Annotation Zen UV panel.