Version 5.0.0


  • Added Zen UV Touch Tool for performing basic transformations in UV Editor.
  • Added Auto Unwrap Operator operator that represents a bridge for the Ministry of flat Auto unwrap application.
  • Added Zen Sync operator for switching UV Sync Selection while keeping the selection between modes.
  • Blender 4.4 support.



  • Added Zen Sync operator for switching UV Sync Selection while keeping the selection between modes.
  • Added Select Faces By Normal operator to select polygons by reference normal.
  • Added Filter Islands by Property operator to sort and select islands by height, width, and aspect ratio.
  • Added Select Self-Intersecting Faces operator to select polygons that intersect with themselves.
  • Added Select Stretched Faces operator to select polygons that are distorted in UV compared to 3D view.
  • Updated Select panel. Grouping of operators has been changed.


  • Added Auto Unwrap Operator operator that represents a bridge for the Ministry of flat Auto unwrap application.
  • Added Minimum Stretch algorithm to Zen Unwrap and other operators using native Unwrap.
  • Updated the algorithm of marking seams for Quadrify operator. Now seams are added only for the processed island and not for the whole mesh.
  • Optimized the algorithm for Quadrify operator by reducing operations with sampling. This significantly increased performance, which is especially noticeable for big meshes.
  • Fixed a bug in Zen Unwrap operator when it is in Selection Only mode and nothing is selected and a warning dialog is cycling.


  • Updated the algorithm for World Orient operator. Now it works more accurately and does not require selecting the island type (Hard Surface, Organic).


  • Updated the logic for Checker Texture Toggle operator. Now it uses keys to enable checker, disable checker and toggle checker. This does not affect the work in UI, but adds convenience when using the operator in scripts.


  • Added Normal (normal vector) and World Position (position Vector) properties for Trim to sort islands based on their location in 3D space.
  • Added Directional Hotspot operator to distribute islands into trims based on the direction of the normal.
  • Added Get Normal operator to get the normal from the selected polygon and set it to the Normal property of the active trim.
  • Updated Add Trim operator, it now always runs with default settings. This helps to avoid freezing situation in case of generation of several trims.
  • Fixed a bug in the Trim packing process.

Texel Density

  • Added a Set TD operator to each line of the Texel Density preset list.


  • Optimized display of Favorites properties.