Reshape Island

Changes the island’s shape depending on the preset.

Preset Selected:

  • Straighten the selected Edge Loops and relax not selected vertices.

  • Orient loop along - How to orient the selected loops.
    • Auto - Automatic finding loop orientation.
    • U Axis - Along the U axis.
    • V Axis - Along the V axis.
    • In Place - The beginning and end of the loop will remain such as before the operator runs.
  • Reverse Direction - Change the direction of the loop to the opposite.
  • Spacing - How to set the distances between the points of the loop.
    • UV - As in the UV Map.
    • Geometry - As in the mesh.
    • Evenly - Distribute at an equal distance.

Orient Along Sample:

orient loop along
Loops orientation

Spacing Sample:

Set spacing

Advanced Properties:

  • The properties of the operator for aligning the loops relative to each other.

  • Start Position: - How to set the beginning of the loop.

    • As is - Leave in place.
    • Max - Set to the maximal position of the loops.
    • Averaged - Set to the averaged position of the loops.
    • Min - Set to the minimal position of the loops.
  • Lock - Lock Start Position and the End Position.
  • End Position: - How to set the ending of the loop.
    • As is - Leave in place.
    • Max - Set to the maximal position of the loops.
    • Averaged - Set to the averaged position of the loops.
    • Min - Set to the minimal position of the loops.
  • Offset - Indicates the offset of each next loop relative to the previous. Sorting begins on the left bottom. The red color indicates that the value is not zero.

Start / End Position Sample:

start end position
Set Start / End position

Offset Sample:


Preset U/V Direction:


  • Angle - If the slope of the edge is less or equal to this value, then the edge will be selected.
  • Spacing - How to set the distances between the points of the loop.

Please refer to the Advanced Properties to learn more.

How to work Angle value:

  • If angle 01 is less than angle 02 means the edge is aligned along the U axis. If opposite, then the edge is aligned along the V axis.
  • If the value ​​of the Angle: operator’s properties are less than angle 01, then the edge will not be selected.

Preset Borders:


  • Corners By: - How to detect corners of the Island.
    • Corner - By corner vertices.
    • Pinned - By pinned vertices.
    • Pinned & Corners - By pinned and corner vertices.
  • Length - How to calculate the length for each straightened border segment.
    • UV - As a sum of UV edges length.
    • Geometry - As a sum of mesh edge length.
    • Short - As a distance from the first point to the last point of the edge loop.
  • Border Offset - Offset all the vertices using the first point as a pivot. This leads to island scaling.

Corner Sample:

  • A Corner Point - it’s a point that has 2 connected edges.
  • Pinned Point - it’s a point that is pinned by Blender’s native Pin operator.

Length Sample: