Texel Density

Texel Density (TD) refers to the number of texture pixels (texels) per unit of surface area on a 3D model in a video game. It is important for maintaining visual quality and reducing texture stretching or blurring when a model is viewed up close or from different angles. Higher TD means more detail and sharpness on the textures, but can also result in larger file sizes and performance issues.

Usually it’s measured in pixels per centimeter (2.56px/cm) or pixels per meter (256px/m).

You can read more information about What is Texel Density here.

Zen UV is providing all the tools you need to work with Texel Density.


Texel Density

Texel Density Value

Shows Texel Density value.

TD Calc Precision.

Specifies how many percents of the Island’s polygon will be used to determine Texel Density.


Texel Density

Select by TD

Select Islands by choosen Texel Density.


Texel Density

Influence Calculation Mode.
• Island Per each Island.
• Face Per each Face.
Clear Selection Clear initial Selection.
Selection Mode Selection Mode.
• Treshold Use TD basic value and Treshold.
• Range Use the range specified by the Minimum and Maximum TD values.
• Skip Do not select Islands by TD values.
Select Underrated Select Islands with TD value less than the smallest TD value in the presets.
Select Overrated Select Islands with TD value less than the highest TD value in the presets.

Get TD

Get Texel Density from selected Islands.

Texel Density

Set TD

Set Texel Density to selected Islands.

Overall Mode Set Texel Density for all selected Islands together.
Island Mode Set Texel Density individually for every selected Island.

Use Pivot

Use Pivot point when Setting Texel Density. From Center or from other 8 directions.


Texel Density

Texel Density

Texture Size

Texture Size for TD calculations.

TD Range


Texel Density

Get TD Range

Calculates current minimum, average and maximum TD values on the model. By clicking on the number fields you can choose Islands with given TD value.

Texel Density

Select objects Calculates current minimum and maximum TD values on the selected objects.
Scene Calculates current minimum and maximum TD values in the scene.

Calculate TD

Calculates optimal Texture Size/TD based on given TD/Texture Size.


Texel Density Texture Size

Display TD

Display Texel Density in Viewport by chosen mode and display method.

Texel Density

Calculation Mode
Island Per aach Island.
Face Per each Face.
Display Method
Balanced The value specified in TD Checker will always be in the middle color from the user’s preferences. Smaller values - first color. Bigger values - third color.
Spectrum Method for displaying values in specified density range.
Presets Display TD Presets.


Read POLYMATTER.XYZ manual about how to choose right TD. JPG, PDF.

Advanced Display Settings

Display TD Settings for all display methods.


Settings depends on Display modes.


Balanced Spectrum Presets

Color Scheme

Color Scheme used to Display TD.

Color Schemes
Three Color Three colors based on user preferences.
Full Spectrum Full spectrum of seven primary colors.
Reversed Spectrum Reversed full spectrum of seven primary colors.
Linear Two-color gradient. Colors match first and second color of user preferences.
Mono Monochromatic Scheme.


Three colors used to Display TD values for Three Colors and Linear Color Schemes.

First Color “Less” Viewport display color to represent Texel Density less than TD Value.
Second Color “Equal” Viewport display color to represent Texel Density equal to TD Value.
Third Color “Over” Viewport display color to represent Texel Density over than TD Value.

TD Color Alpha

TD Color overlay alpha.

Range Type

Set Range type manually or automatically.

Presets Only

Display only TD values that exist in Preset list. All other values will be displayed in black.


Available only for Presets display method.



Presets Management

You can Save TD Presets for your projects to and Share TD Presets with team.


Load Load Preset.
Add Add new Preset.
Remove Remove Preset.
Open Presets Folder Open Presets Folder.


If name in preset selector is marked with asterix then it shows name of category and active preset is not selected

Get TD

Get TD from selected Islands to active Preset.

Set TD

Set TD from active Preset to selected Islands.


Clear Presets list.

Presets Tools

Create Presets

Create Presets from selected Islands.

Colorize Presets

Create colors for existing Presets.

Select by TD

Select Islands By Texel Density.


Under Rated Select islands which have TD less than minimal in the list.
Over Rated Select islands which have TD bigger than maximal in the list.
By Value Select by active preset value.

Global TD Preset

Global project TD Preset value used in Zen Unwrap and other operators. You can chage the value using Settings button.

Island Size

This toolset is useful to control Island size in Pixels and Units. When you change texture size it helps to resize Islands keeping the same amount Pixels or Units per Island.



Watch the video explaining how Island Size works.


Represent Size of the Island in Pixel or Units.

Select by Size

Select Island by Size.


Get Island Size in Pixels or Units.


Set Island Size in Pixels or Units.

Overall Mode Set size for all selected Islands together.
Island Mode Set size individually for every selected Island.

Island Mode

Set Island Size in Pixels or Units.

Overall Mode

Set Island Size in Pixels or Units.

Texture Size

Select Texture Size for Island Size calculations.

UV World Size

This toolset is useful if you don’t know TD that you need to apply to the Island, but you have texture (no matter what is the size in pixels) and know what is the real size the texture (for example: tiled concrete wall 0.7m).


To set UV World Size:

  1. Сhoose UV World Size Image (for example: tiled concrete wall texture),
  2. Choose Size (for example: 0.7m)
  3. Click Set to set Island UV World Size equal to Real World Size.


Watch the video explaining how UV World Size works.

UV World Size Image

Image used for calculation.


Set UV World Size value and units.


Get the texture size in real units with changing UV World Size value.


Set the size of the Island so that the texture of this island in the scene fills the size specified in the Size field.

Calculate World Size

Get the texture size in real units without changing UV World Size value.


Extra TD tools.


Select by TD

Select Islands By choosen Texel Density. More information here.

Bake TD to VC

Bake TD to the object Vertex Color.

Clear VC

Remove TD Vertex Color layer from the object.